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Abu Dhabi
May 13, 2023

Great results for GIIS Abu Dhabi in CBSE 10 boards, congratulations to all!

GIIS Abu Dhabi students topped the school with great results which were declared by the board today. Rehan Sameer topped the school, while Yashas Jain emerged as the second topper.


Rehan scored 95.8% overall and emerged as the subject topper in Math with 99%, French with 98% and Science with 95%.


Yashas scored 95.4% and emerged as the subject topper in Social Studies and Artificial Intelligence with 99% in Social Studies.


Each year the students do exceedingly well in CBSE, which has been a strong pedagogy taught at the SMART Campus in Abu Dhabi. The curriculum is a blend of 21st-century education and skill-based holistic development that nurtures our students to become global citizens. 


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